Leadership Rights
Leading like Jesus
James 3:1 says “Not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.” The authority and power that comes with being a leader has enticed mankind throughout history. The lure of power has been the demise of many, this is how the devil became the devil. Jesus flips the role of a leader on its head. He defined leadership as servanthood: “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.”
To complete this module…
Complete the Doers practical application steps below
Take five minutes to memorize Galatians 2:20. If you already know that one, go after Romans 12:1-2 or just use the time to meditate on this powerful verse.
In conversation with your LifeGroup or D:Group leader, make a list of rights you need to crucify. Write these down and pray over them a prayer of renunciation/surrender, then tear up the list as a symbol of your surrender.
Prayer of surrender - use Galatians 2:20 as the foundation for your prayer and/or utilize this prayer from John Wesley:
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.