Sharing the Good News of Christ
14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16
Oftentimes when we think about sharing the Gospel with others, fear grips us, and we end up not doing it. That fear comes from many different things. Perhaps we feel awkward or uncomfortable. What if we get mocked? Rejected? We might shy away, thinking, “I wouldn’t want anyone to evangelize me. Why should I do that to them?” And a lot of this fear actually comes from our culture.
A research survey conducted in 2019 by Barna reveals some interesting statistics on evangelism concerning Millennials:
96% of Millennials believe part of their faith is to be a witness about Jesus
94% say the best thing to happen to anyone is for them to know Jesus
86% say that when someone raises questions about faith, they know how to respond
47% believe it’s wrong to share one’s beliefs with another in hope of them one day sharing the same faith
40% believe that if someone disagrees with you, it means they are judging you
(Though Gen Z teens were not included in this study, their thoroughly post-Christian posture will likely amplify this stance toward evangelism.)
Our culture of tolerance and relativism serves to amplify our fear of evangelism. But if we believe what God says in his word, should we not obey that over our culture? Take a few minutes to read the short Live Dead article below, then watch the video above to learn a little of what Evangelism is about:
After reading the article and watching/listening to the video, complete the Practice activities below to complete this module.
Read and meditate on Romans 10:9-15. Pick a couple verses (or the entire section) and memorize it.
Practice speaking the Gospel. You can use these 5 steps as an aid:
God made the world and humanity perfect.
Humanity chose (and chooses) selfishness and sin (that's rebellion against God) and introduces death and separation from God into our world.
God, out of perfect, unfailing love, pursues humanity throughout history (see the Bible), culminating in the sending of His own Son, God-in-flesh, to reveal the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus defeats sin and judgment through his sacrifice upon the Cross and defeats death through his Resurrection for all humanity!
Repent and believe the Good News, follow Jesus and join the family and army of the Lord.
Practice your testimony. Use this helpful guide if necessary:
Finally, find someone on campus, either by yourself or with a friend, and share the Gospel with them.