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One to One Discipleship

Building Disciples One on One or in a Triad

Step ONE: Enjoy some laughs with Heathcliff and Styles with helpful commentary from Kaliah on how NOT to approach one on ones in the video above.


Step TWO: Spend five to ten minutes thinking through what a one on one (or triad) relationship can add to a person's discipleship journey beyond small group and large group opportunities.


Step THREE: Read through this document with some best practices for one on ones and triads.


  • Ask the person you meet with in a one on one or triad setting what they would want you to know about this disciple-making opportunity.

  • Pray for the individuals in your life that you have relationship with that you could invite into the one on one journey with you. Ask the Lord who to approach and then ask that person to meet up. Learn (if you don't yet know) their spiritual story and find out what goals they have for the near term, as well as long term dreams. 

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